
PaalX: MultiChain Decentralized Trading App

Available on Telegram: on @mypaalbot, /PaalX to activate

Website: x.paal.ai

Getting Started with PaalX

Step 1: Access PaalX on Telegram

  1. Open the Telegram app and start a chat with @mypaalbot.

  2. Type /paalx and send the message.

  3. A button will appear saying "Trade Crypto inside Telegram. Click the button below to proceed." Tap the "Paalx" button.

Step 2: Launch the PaalX Web App

  1. A prompt will appear asking you to launch the web app.

  2. Tap "Launch" to proceed.

Step 3: Getting Started with PaalX

  1. You will be welcomed with the PaalX interface.

  2. You have the option to create a new wallet, import an existing wallet, or use WalletConnect.

  3. Agree to the terms of use to continue.

Step 4: Creating a New Wallet

  1. To create a new wallet, tap on "New Wallet."

  2. Follow the steps to create a password, set a secret recovery phrase, and confirm your recovery phrase.

  3. Remember, PaalX cannot recover your password, so make sure to store it securely.

Step 5: Write Down Your Secret Recovery Phrase

  1. After creating a password, you will be prompted to write down your Secret Recovery Phrase.

  2. This phrase is crucial for accessing your wallet. Save it in a password manager, store it in a safe deposit box, or write it down and store it in multiple secret places.

  3. Tap "Continue" once you have securely stored your Secret Recovery Phrase.

Step 6: Confirm Your Secret Recovery Phrase

  1. You will be asked to confirm your Secret Recovery Phrase by entering the first three words of the phrase.

  2. This step ensures that you have accurately noted down your recovery phrase.

  3. Tap "Done" once you have confirmed your phrase.

Step 7: Wallet Created

  1. Once you have confirmed your Secret Recovery Phrase, your wallet will be created.

  2. You will see your wallet address displayed on the screen.

  3. PaalX cannot recover your Secret Recovery Phrase, and you should never share it with anyone.

  4. Tap "Done" to finish the setup process.

Home Page Overview of PaalX

Balance and Quick Actions

  1. Balance: The top section displays your total balance in USD.

  2. Quick Actions: Below the balance, you have quick action buttons for "Receive," "Send," and "Swap" to manage your crypto assets efficiently.

Select a Network

  1. Network Selection: PaalX supports multiple networks. You can switch between networks such as Solana, Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Base, and Arbitrum.

  2. Current Network: The current network you are using is highlighted, allowing you to manage assets across different blockchains seamlessly.

Referral Program

  1. Referral Section: PaalX offers a referral program where you can earn rewards.

  2. Copy Referral Link: Easily copy your referral link and share it to invite friends and earn rewards in various supported cryptocurrencies.

Activity Log

  1. Activity: This section provides a detailed log of all your transactions.

  2. Transaction Details: View incoming and outgoing transactions, including amounts and timestamps, ensuring you can track all your activities within the wallet.

Receive Cryptocurrency

  1. Receive Tab: Generate a QR code to receive cryptocurrency.

  2. Copy Address: Use the QR code or copy the address to share with the sender.

Send Cryptocurrency

  1. Send Tab: Enter the recipient's address, select the amount, and choose the cryptocurrency to send.

  2. Confirmation: Confirm the transaction by clicking the "Send" button.

Swapping Cryptocurrency on PaalX

Accessing the Swap Feature

  1. Navigate to Trade Tab: Select the "Trade" tab at the bottom of the screen to access the swapping feature.

  2. Select Swap: Tap on the "Swap" button to begin the process.

Adjusting Advanced Options

  1. Advanced Options: Tap on the settings icon to access advanced options for your swap.

  2. Options Available:

    • Max Slippage: Adjust the maximum slippage tolerance.

    • Speed: Choose the transaction speed (e.g., Medium).

    • Miner Tip: Set a tip for miners.

    • Gas: Set the gas price in gwei.

    • Gas Limit: Adjust the gas limit.

    • Deadline: Set a time limit for the transaction to be valid.

Performing a Swap

  1. Enter Conversion Details: Enter the amount you wish to convert and select the cryptocurrency to convert from and to.

  2. Review Conversion Rate: Review the conversion rate and other details such as slippage, fees, and network costs.

  3. Execute Swap: Tap "Swap" to execute the transaction.

Tracking Swap Status

  1. Swap Status: After initiating the swap, you can track the status of your transaction.

  2. View on Etherscan: Option to view the transaction details on Etherscan for further transparency.

  3. Go Home: Once the transaction is complete, you can return to the home page by tapping "Go Home."

Explore Section of PaalX

Influencers Overview

  1. Influencers Tab: See the latest insights from top crypto influencers. This section provides an overview of their recent posts and their impact on different cryptocurrencies.

  2. Reliability: Understand the reliability of each influencer's predictions by analyzing their historical performance.

Explore Influencers

  1. Search and Filter: Use the search bar to find specific influencers. Apply filters to narrow down your search based on performance and other criteria.

  2. Performance Metrics: View performance metrics for each influencer, such as daily, weekly, and monthly performance indicators.

Top Posts

  1. Top Posts: Check out the most impactful posts from influencers. This section highlights the top discussions and trending topics in the crypto space.

  2. Trade Directly: Some posts will have direct trading links, allowing you to act immediately on the insights provided by influencers.

Settings Section of PaalX

Navigating to Settings

  1. Access Settings: Tap the "Settings" tab at the bottom right of the screen to access the settings menu.

  2. Settings Options: The settings menu provides various options for managing your wallet, network preferences, and other configurations.

Adjusting Network Settings

  1. Network Selection: Choose your preferred blockchain network from options like Ethereum, Solana, BSC, Polygon, Base, and Arbitrum.

  2. Toggle USD: Enable or disable the display of balances in USD for easier understanding of your portfolio value.

Token Info Section of PaalX

Viewing Token Info

  1. Access Token Info: Select a token from your wallet to view its detailed information.

  2. Token Details: The Token Info page displays the current price, contract address, and 24-hour price change.


  1. Paalscore Overview: Paalscore provides a comprehensive rating of the token based on various factors like contract verification, honeypot status, buy/sell tax, and community trust.

  2. Community Trust: View the community trust score based on upvotes and downvotes from other users.


  1. Paalytics Overview: Detailed analytics of the token including market cap, price volatility, and historical price performance.

  2. Security Analysis: Information on smart contract security and adherence to licenses like the MIT license, along with details on anti-whale measures and other security features.


PaalX is a powerful tool for managing your cryptocurrency portfolio directly from Telegram. It allows users to:

  • Get Started: Easily set up and secure your wallet with detailed onboarding steps.

  • Home Page: Manage your balance, transactions, and view detailed activity logs.

  • Swapping: Efficiently swap between cryptocurrencies with customizable advanced options.

  • Explore: Stay updated with the latest insights from top influencers in the crypto world.

  • Settings: Customize your wallet and transaction settings to suit your preferences.

  • Token Info: Get comprehensive information about each token in your portfolio and perform audits using Paalytics and Paalscore.

For more information and to start using PaalX, visit x.paal.ai and activate the app on Telegram with @mypaalbot and the command /paalx.

Last updated