
The /chart command in our Telegram bot provides a powerful tool for visualizing financial data in various chart formats. This command is especially useful for traders and analysts who need quick access to market data presented in an easy-to-understand graphical format. Below is a detailed guide on how to use the /chart command.

Command Syntax

/chart [ticker] [timeframe] [chart type]
  • [ticker]: The stock or cryptocurrency ticker symbol.

  • [timeframe]: The desired timeframe for the chart.

  • [chart type]: (Optional) Type of chart to display (e.g., Candlestick, Bar, Histogram, Line).

Chart Types

  1. Candlestick

  2. Bar

  3. Histogram

  4. Line


For Periods Less Than 1 Day

  • Available Values (Day): 1

  • Available Values (Hour): 1, 4, 12

  • Available Values (Minute): 1, 5, 15

For Periods More Than 1 Day

  • Users can specify timeframes such as Week, Month, Year.

  • Predefined Values: 1, 7, 14, 30, 90, 180, 365 days

Data Granularity

  • 1 - 2 Days: 30-minute intervals

  • 3 - 30 Days: 4-hour intervals

  • 31 Days and Beyond: 4-day intervals

Sample Prompts

  1. /chart $ATOR

    • Displays a default chart for the $ATOR ticker.

  2. /chart $PAAL 1min

    • Displays a 1-minute timeframe chart for the $PAAL ticker.

  3. /chart $PAAL 5 min histogram

    • Displays a 5-minute histogram chart for the $PAAL ticker.

Custom Prompts

Users can combine different tickers, timeframes, and chart types to customize their chart. Examples:

  1. /chart $XYZ 1D candlestick

    • Displays a daily candlestick chart for the $XYZ ticker.

  2. /chart $ABC 3M line

    • Displays a 3-month line chart for the $ABC ticker.

  3. /chart $123 1Y bar

    • Displays a yearly bar chart for the $123 ticker.


  • Ensure that the ticker symbol is correct and supported by the bot.

  • Timeframes and chart types should be specified in a format recognized by the bot.

  • For best results, use the predefined timeframes and data granularity options.

Last updated